Will writing services
Your last Will and testament is a legal document that allows any assets that you have prior to death to be distributed how you would have wished on your passing. This may include you money, property, or stocks/shares.
Sometimes writing a Will is quite straightforward. But at other times, it can be quite a complicated process.
Whether it will be easy or difficult will depend on your particular circumstances, your relationships with close family members and whether you had specific beneficiaries in mind for certain items.
Our team at Burys Solicitors are everyday people with experience of dealing with loss. We have the legal knowledge and experience to enable us to provide a compassionate, caring and considerate service.

Why make a will?
- Ensures your loved ones are not only provided for financially but it can also make the administration of your estate (everything you owned) easier than if you died without a will (intestate)
- If there is less to organise after your death your loved ones are able to prioritise the most important element, their own grief and healing.
- Offers you peace of mind – it is not a pleasant prospect dealing with the eventuality of your death but preparation is key to offering you peace of mind
- Protects living partners / your spouse – those who are living with a partner but not married may face hardship if you pass away intestate. It is a common misconception that if you are married everything passes to your spouse easily this is incorrect without a will you may face difficulties with banks and building societies asking for “probate” documentation
- Reduces complex tasks – financial affairs and probate procedures can be complex and time consuming. Having a valid Will gives some certainty to your estate and your family who are left grieving.
Don’t worry- your Will can be changed at any time, as your life circumstances will also change over time; and it’s probably not as costly as you first thought.
Your Questions Answers
If you do not have a Will, then you will have died ‘ intestate’. This means that the law sets out who benefits from your assets.
- If you are unmarried then your children will automatically inherit your estate.
- On the contrary, if you are unmarried and have no children, then your parents will inherit your estate.
- If your parents have deceased, then your siblings will inherit.
This situation does not allow unmarried partners to inherit nor the opportunity to gift to charities.
It also does not allow for any difficult relationship situations to be considered; it may be there is someone you did NOT want to benefit from your estate.
Yes, our team can help you amend, update or even completely cancel a will at any time, provided you have the mental capacity to do so.
It is really important that you seek advice and guidance to ensure you do not void your Will.
Yes – we offer storage for a minimal annual fixed fee charge
It is really important that your Will is saved securely because in the absence of a Will, the law presumes that the person whose Will it is has destroyed the will with the intention of revoking it.
We have always provided home visits as we feel that when discussing sensitive issues such as death alongside talking about relationships with people that you may or may not wish to inherit can be very emotional.
Not only that, but people also often decide to create a Will at significant times in their lives.
Some of these are positive and joyous occasions such as marriages and births of children.
On the flipside it can also be because of a medical diagnosis, or the death of a loved one that has prompted them to get their own affairs in order.
Therefore, whether because someone may be elderly or diagnosed with a medical condition or suffered a loss, it is important that the person with the appointment feels at ease and comfortable.
To arrange a face-to-face Will writing visit, call our team on 0151 837 1662. Alternatively, submit your contact details using our contact form at the bottom of this page and we’ll be in touch shortly.
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